
Find employees? Very easy.

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• Price for single ad, 1 month
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You want to advertise through JobCloud AG?

Our job postings offers provide you optimal support for your recruitment activities : publish your ad with the Plus package for easy-to-fulfill vacancies or turn yourself to our Premium offer for more demanding positions.

  • Premium *
  • 1 Job ad, 1 month duration
  • Select
  • Classic
  • 1 Job ad, 1 month duration
  • Select
* On ALPHA.CH and Topjobs, we only publish ads for managerial and specialists positions (automatically done by us)

Plus: for averaged vacancies

  • Publication on the Swiss largest online job portals
  • Publication in the partner network and on specialized job portals
Your advantages
  • Publication with the number 1 in German-speaking area of Switzerland
  • Targeted specialist address on our strong partner network
  • Easy and cost-efficient solution

Premium: for hard-to-fulfill vacancies

  • Includes all Plus services
  • Additional publication on our portals dedicated to managerial and specialists positions
    (automatically done by us)
  • Power Update: update of the publication date every 5 days; sending of an email to job seekers every 10 days.
  • Traffic optimization: online advertising campaigns for your ads (Google AdWords, search engines, Retargeting Ads)
Your advantages
  • Largest coverage through our complete portfolio of job portals
  • Highest proven job postings consultation by job seekers
  • Targeted address of executives and specialists on our portals for executives
  • Easy and ads optimized recruitment solution

We can help you personally

On the phone at 044 254 69 00 during business hours or by email.

JobCloud AG

With our leading job portals, we can offer you appropriate insertion offers for your employees search. Select the appropriate offer based on the searched profile.

Many years of experience in the Swiss job market

We provide employers and job seekers with the most efficient means in terms of recruitment, thanks to our many years of expertise and our strong online job portals.

A strong team for our success

JobCloud SA has a long-standing and knowledgeable team and an impressive track record.

Meet our team